arini nak jawab
arini nak jawab
My Minutes Survey
yang kena tag oleh cikNORA
pergh!.. punya banyak solannya.. mengalahkan exam SPM la plak..
ok dengan ini kita mulakan..zass
Instruction: Once you are tagged,answer all the question honestly..
Person who tagged: nora
Starting time: 1.26 pm
yang kena tag oleh cikNORA
pergh!.. punya banyak solannya.. mengalahkan exam SPM la plak..
ok dengan ini kita mulakan..zass
Instruction: Once you are tagged,answer all the question honestly..
Person who tagged: nora
Starting time: 1.26 pm
Name: moon
Full Name: elnino de moona
Siblings: 4
Eye colour: black
Shoe size: 5
Hair: black
Height: 158cm
Height: 158cm
What are you wearing right now: baju tido
Where do you live: sabah
Favourite number: 9
Favourite drink: tea c special
Favourite month: november rain
Favourite drink: tea c special
Favourite month: november rain
Favourite breakfast: mee
= Have you ever =
Broken a bone : tidak
Been in a police car : langgar keta polis penala.. ahaks
Fallen for a friend: kali la
Fallen for a guy / girl in a short period of time : selalu.. haha
Swam in an ocean: nda pandai berenang pun..
Broken someone's heart : pena
Cried when someone died : mestila.. gila ati batu kalu tak nangis
= Have you ever =
Been in a police car : langgar keta polis penala.. ahaks
Fallen for a friend: kali la
Fallen for a guy / girl in a short period of time : selalu.. haha
Swam in an ocean: nda pandai berenang pun..
Broken someone's heart : pena
Cried when someone died : mestila.. gila ati batu kalu tak nangis
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : wajib ni.. lalalala
Saved e-mail: kalu nda penting delete jak semua..
Been cheated on : yes... haha
= What =
Your room look like: my room..
Been cheated on : yes... haha
= What =
Your room look like: my room..
What is right beside you : mouse, nset n70 ku..dan camera sony
What is the last thing u ate : fries..
= Ever had =
Sore throat : selalu la.. aku kan rock..
Stitches: yup.. di dahiku ini
Broken nose: retak jakla.. adeii cacat.. haha
= Do you =
Believe in love at first sight : erm..mestila
Like picnic : suka.. p mandi laut.. wee~
= Who =
Who did you last yell at : kucing ku..haha
Who was the last person you danced with: nda pena menari pun
Who last made you smile : mybeleng.. ahaks
= Do you =
Like picnic : suka.. p mandi laut.. wee~
= Who =
Who was the last person you danced with: nda pena menari pun
Who last made you smile : mybeleng.. ahaks
= Final Question =
lagu maher zain (tenang jiwa)
What did you do today?
makan sambil update blog
Are you the oldest?
aku bongsu
Indoor or Outdoor?
outdoor.. naik gunung best.. haha
= Today did you =
Talk to someone you like?
Are you the oldest?
aku bongsu
Indoor or Outdoor?
outdoor.. naik gunung best.. haha
= Today did you =
nda la..
Kiss anyone?
kucen bleh la.. haha
kalu ati gembira menyanyila
Talk to ex?
masalahnya aku ada ex ka?.. hahaha
Kiss anyone?
kucen bleh la.. haha
kalu ati gembira menyanyila
Talk to ex?
masalahnya aku ada ex ka?.. hahaha
Miss someone?
= Last person who =
my sayang...hihi
Made you cry?
filem hindustan.. gila ati tisu!..
Went to the movies with?
geng keras..
You went to the mall with?
sesiapa jak boleh..
Who cheered you up?
abangku.. nama dia lie tp lebih suka di panggil tom.. ahaks..:p
= Have you =
Been to Mexico?
apa kejadahnya aku nak g mexico..
aku nak p spain la..
Been to USA?
lagi la tak penah!
= Random =
What books are you reading right now?
sekarang menghadap blog.. manada baca buku..
Best feeling in the world?
bergumbira la..
Future kids name?
tak terpikir pun.. tggu kawen dlu la
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
ngn spongebob adalah
What's under your bed?
tikar.. itu pun mo tau ka.. aiseh
Favourite sport(s)?
bola sepak. leh tgk torres main bola
Favourite place?
pantai.. leh mandi manda
Who do you really hate?
sepa yang membenci aku.
Do you have a job?
What time is right now?
What time is right now?
p/s: With however long it took you to complete this, post as "My Minute Survey" and tagged 15 people.
til then.
p/s: With however long it took you to complete this, post as "My Minute Survey" and tagged 15 people.
fuhh!.. penat aku jawab soalan-soalan nih.. jd aku malas nak tag sepa-sepa.. kalu sesiapa yang berminat nak jawab benda nih.. sila la jawab ek.. jangan malu-malu..
hehhe.. tq ya...
sama-sama cik nora..
i love Maher Zain song too ;DD
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